Did you know there are more than 40 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn? Every second, two new members are joining the world’s largest professional networking platform. Don’t miss this chance to learn about brand new features on LinkedIn and how you can make LinkedIn work for you in your job search, branding, and networking! After the workshop, we’re also offering FREE photo sessions where you can take a professional headshot provided by the Columbia Photography Association. These events are sponsored by the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC), Biological Sciences Career Initiative (BSCI), Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGSC), and Center for Career Education (CCE). Open to all graduate students (Master’s and PhDs) in GSAS, SEAS, and SOA. Tea, coffee, pastries & donuts will be provided! 2:30 — 3:30 pm LinkedIn Workshop 3:30 — 5:00 pm FREE Photo Session

Note: This event is open to graduate students only.