Have you heard? Virtual career fairs, recruiting events, and networking are IN for the fall semester!

We have a whole lineup of exciting opportunities to support you in your career development, remotely. But, we understand that getting started can feel intimidating. So, we are back with another Friday’s For Your Future program— this one is specially designed to answer your questions about navigating CCE’s virtual career fairs and micro career fairs.

Join CCE for an overview of what to expect from a virtual fair, and what to do before, during and after to put your best foot forward.

What: Fridays for Your Future: Making the Most of a Virtual Career Fair

When: Friday. September 11, 1:00-1:45pm

Where: Zoom – You’ll receive the link upon registering.

We welcome your questions about what you’d like to see addressed in the session: https://forms.gle/YXWpJEgeD1Jw2DmR8

We will do our best to answer all questions as time allows.