“Over half of the US labor force will be freelancing by 2027 per current estimates.”

Join us for an intimate event where we will host a Columbia College alum, Nita Baum, founder of b*free for a discussion over dinner on entrepreneurship and freelance careers.

Nita Baum founded b*free in 2013 after nearly a decade consulting to large US and global non-profit, business, education and government clients. Freelance consulting transformed not only her work, but her life; more free, healthy, and creatively satisfied, freelancing sustained her financially and holistically. For years, she was a go-to for everyone from the freelance curious to the well-established freelancer spending countless joyful hours listening, encouraging and sharing practical tools, advice, and referrals to work. Eventually, she realized the commonality across their questions, fears, and practical needs; a light turned on! b*free was born of her joy at sharing the transformative potential of freelancing with people on their own journeys. Nita is a coach, consultant, and facilitator; studies in art, conflict resolution, health and wellness, and spirituality inform her approach to business. She’s ever grateful to her communities of inspiring co-creators, clients, friends, and teachers.

Nita graduated from Columbia University and GW School of Business. An avid yogi, plays the harmonium, has lived in Japan, and is a Native New Yorker.